How to Hire a Painting Contractor without Going Broke

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How to Hire a Painting Contractor without Going Broke

RCI Painting - Rainbow Colors, Inc.

How to Hire a Painting Contractor without Going BrokeAre you looking to hire a painting contractor in the coming weeks but you're worried about the cost? If so, this article is made just for you. We know that hiring a painting contractor can be both scary and challenging. However, if you follow these tips, you will certainly be able to find one at an affordable rate. Let's go over some critical tips to consider when hiring a painting contractor.

Give Yourself Options

No matter what you are in the market for sure always start shopping around. If you are looking to hire a painting contractor this is no exception to the rule. Start researching at least three or four painting contractors in your area. Next get things in writing but getting a quote from all of the contractors that interests you. Once you're done examine the quotes and use that to help you make a decision of your own. There's no reason why you should settle for the first painting contractor that you come across. Like with everything else there are many options out there for you to consider. Shop around so that you can find the best available price and the best quality combined.

Think About Insurance

If you are hiring a painting contractor thinking about your insurance options is incredibly important. For instance, if your insurance provider is going to pay for the painting contractor want to make sure that you have freedom to choose anyone that you can wish. In some cases insurance providers will give you a list of approved painting contractors to choose from. Additionally, be sure to think about Worker's Comp. insurance. Will you need additional insurance coverage incase one of the painters are injured on the job? It is important to ask these questions so that you are not left out in the cold in the event of an emergency. Don't take your Insurance options for granted because this is vital in choosing a painting contractor that won't break the bank.

Maintenance Matters

When hiring a painting contractor the quote that you receive will depend greatly on the amount of work that needs to be done. This is why it is important to teach maintenance as opposed to just turn the painting contractor for emergency. If you are the head of a Home Owner's Association (HOA), teach the members of the community to take good care of their units. Or maybe you're a business owner that's looking for a painting contractor for a commercial space. If so, do your part to be committed to the upkeep of the property. Your maintenance habits will directly impact how much work is needed to make it look like new.


No matter how strict the pay the contractor seems remember one thing there is always room for negotiation. Use your charm, be nice, be calm and direct and do your best to get the best price possible. When it is all said and done, any thriving business will hate to lose your business. Mention that you've had conversations with other painting contractors and bring those price points to the table. This will show that you have done your research and you are serious about getting work done. It is all about finding common ground and settling on a price that is reasonable.

Thank you for checking out this week’s blog. At RCI painting we always do our best to give our readers the tips that will really help them. We take pride in being a quality pin the contractor that offers some of the best prices on the market. Regardless of where you live you deserve to work with a painting contractor that will give you the most bang for your buck. Good luck with your search!